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Hi. My girlfriend and I moved to Afghanistan for a year to run the marketing deparment for the country's biggest telecom company...Roshan.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Summer Camp

This is RV.  Roshan Village.  "Compound".

All the ex-pats that work at Roshan live at RV.   We get three square meals a day.  We have limited access to the outside world.  There's a big gym.  And a big courtyard for "outdoor time".  There are cliques,  or "gangs" as we jokingly refer to them.  hahaha....

No!  NOT prison.

Summer camp I said.

Summer camp.


  1. You know what to do first. Find the biggest, craziest badassed expat there and beat the shit out of him. That's how you gain respect...and respect is what's gonna preserve your butt-ginity.

  2. are there individual showers or do you shower all together? i'll send you some soap on a rope.
